Artists Resource for Fire

Fire and Pyrotechnic Safety Tips

Our definition of pyrotechnics is any art piece, set piece or presentation which involves the use of fire, hazardous materials, explosives, projectiles or pressurized gasses excluding air.

Safety Responsibilities
All performers and their crew are responsible for their own art. This means that you know (by testing) that the performance that you will be giving will not endanger the audience, performers or members of your crew.

The artist will be held responsible for any act that endangers themselves, the crew, or the audience.

Safety Guidelines
All pyrotechnic special effects materials used in any art installation or performance must consist of 1.4G [Class C] fireworks or less.

Absolutely no 1.3G [Class B] display fireworks or higher should be used without a specific state and or federally licensed pyrotechnician onsite.

All pyrotechnic special effects operators, consultants and assistants must be at least 18 years (older in some states) of age or older and be trained in fire safety and suppression, and wear (at least) fire resistant clothing during the performances.

All artists and their crew will have an emergency plan of action and, if a performance is scheduled, this information will be related to the Performance Safety Team prior to the performance.

Fuel loading (fueling props) is to be done only by people familiar with the safety considerations and hazards involved, wearing personal safety gear (glasses, gloves, etc.).

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) for hazardous chemicals must be supplied. MSDS sheets describe how to safely store and handle a specific material. It also gives steps on how to deal with the item if there is a spill or a fire.

Containment Plan
Storage of all fuel, flammables, and pyrotechnics must be secured in safe containers stored in a safe and secure area until used in the show. They will be labeled with your name, the material and quantity of material in the containers.

During setup and performance all fuel, flammables, and pyrotechnic materials must be secured in ready boxes and protected by the pyrotechnic operator and assistants. The ready boxes must be placed at the appropriate safe distance from any ignition source.

Flammable and combustible liquid storage shall be maintained in a secured remote area. This area shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from the open flame acts.

Fire Fighting -Haz/Mat Supplies
You will have a fire extinguisher available, wet blanket or towel, and spill clean up material (like a shovel, rake, metal garbage can, etc.)

If a performance is scheduled please read on!!

Pyro/Fire Performance Safety Team
This team shall consist of a Safety Coordinator, a Firefighter, a licensed pyrotechnician and various other advisory people. This team is here to assist you in creating dangerous art safely... in order for us to perform this function we request that the following guidelines be adhered to:

All pyrotechnic special effects operators, consultants and assistants must be 21 years of age or older and be trained in fire safety and suppression, and wear (at least) fire resistant clothing during the performances.

The performers will have one of their crew work as a liaison to the Performance Safety Team and this person will be responsible for emergency communications for anything that goes amiss during a performance.

There will be a performance meeting and a tech walk thru the day prior to the performance - a knowledgeable representative of the performance must attend both of these in order to be included in the line-up.

An appropriate audience safety perimeter will have been set well in advance to the performance and okay'd by a member of the Performance Safety Team.

The Performance Safety Team and outside authorities having jurisdiction can override, stop, alter, or cancel any show or part of the show with just cause. They will have access to all areas of the show at all times.

The performers are responsible to clean up the performance site after the show. The area should be as clean as when you found it. (leave no trace)

Most flammable liquids are heavier than air. Most flammable gases are lighter than air. The exception to gases are propane.

Written by Wally Glenn
Edited by Neil Carlberg, Maque Da Vis and Daniel Walsh.

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The information on this Web site is for informational pourposes only. Nothing should be attempted without first consulting your local Fire Marshal or the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) in your area. Some of the activities described may be illegal in your area and in no way should you attempt any activity without the expressed consent of the AHJ.