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Driving tips

Here are a few tips we recommend you follow before leaving for the journey.

Have your car serviced
Make sure your car is in proper running condition before you head off on a journey that is roughly 1200 miles roundtrip.

Become a AAA Plus Member
If you break down, the towing bill to get your car to a station could be quite an eye opener. Plus, AAA has free maps and travel books.

Print out the driving section of this Web site
We spent quite a bit of time and energy researching this. The least you can do is pretend our work is worthy. Print it out, put it in your car and lose it somewhere between your house and Klamath Falls. We'd really appreciate it.

When we say there isn't anything in an area, we really mean there isn't anything in the area. I mean nothing. There are sections of road you will pass through that are completely barren of any store, gas station or retail establishments of any kind. This is not some urban hipster complaining there is no fetish clubs in Eagleville, there is literally nothing in Eagleville except a few houses.

Do not speed through small towns
If the speed limit says 25 MPH, drive 23 MPH. This becomes really important in Gerlach where you might see one Nevada State Patrolman for each mile during Burningman. The patrolman are there to preserve peace and maintain order. They want you to show them a little respect. Those that fail to follow this simple advice will be pulled over and get a ticket or worse.

There is a gas station in Gerlach, a motel, a few small restaurants, and THAT'S IT AS FAR AS RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS. There is a small store (and I do mean small) in Empire, approximately 15 miles south. If you forgot to bring something along the way, you will not find it in Empire. It is a good place to pick up some common staples, but if they are out of stock, you will not have it on the playa.


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